Our Vision for Maine
What does victory look like for our mission of launching a biobased, second golden age for Maine’s forest-based economy?

By 2028, Maine will have attracted at least $100 million in private investment in biobased manufacturing.
- Our state will have made major, sustainable advances in replacing chemicals, products, and fuels made from climate-damaging petroleum with safer, biobased alternatives made from woody biomass.
- New manufacturing jobs will have revitalized Maine’s rural economies and diversified the forest products industry.
- Young people and families will remain in and even relocate to rural Maine, where they will find good-paying jobs and careers, strong local schools, good medical care, and thriving communities.
- Residents and local leaders will support sustainable forest management as well as conservation of the signature Maine lakes, rivers, and wildlife that generate tourism and recreation dollars and add immeasurable richness to their communities.
- Maine will be a significant player in the world's bioeconomy, grabbing market share in the rising global demand for biobased products while also seeking out new ways of converting Maine's renewable resources from forest, farm, and sea into everyday products.