Presentations at the 2018 BIO World Congress
Biobased Maine networked with industry leaders and business executives at the 2018 BIO World Congress last week in Philadelphia. From left: Elizabeth Kaufman, account director at SmartBrief; Marina Bowie, program associate at Biobased Maine; Gideon Gradman, managing director at Integrated Energy Advisors; and Dr. Virginie Le Ravalec, engineer at Ademe.
Last week, Biobased Maine traveled to Philadelphia for the 25th annual BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology.
At the major industry conference, representatives of Biobased Maine, Biofine Technology, LLC, and the University of Maine Forest Bioproducts Institute gave presentations on Maine’s unique assets and opportunities to an audience of national and international industry leaders and executives.
The BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology provides a unique forum for business executives, government officials, academic researchers and industry leaders to share the latest advances in renewable chemicals, synthetic biology, enzymes, food ingredients, biofuels, algae and more.
The conference provided a great opportunity for networking and promoting Maine’s abundance of certified sustainable second-generation feedstock. Our presentations were met with enthusiasm and interest, and we’ve posted the presentation slides here for those interested:
Harnessing Forests as a Next Generation Feedstock for Renewable Chemicals. Presented by Biobased Maine vice president Mike Belliveau.
Biofine Technology, LLC. Presented by Biofine Technology, LLC, managing member Stephen Fitzpatrick.
FBRI—”Serving societal needs by bringing sound science to commercial viability.” Presented by Hemant P. Pendse, University of Maine Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Department professor and chair, and Forest Bioproducts Research Institute (FBRI) director.