E2Tech Expo November 16: Biobased Maine Special Offer!
E2Tech is offering Biobased Maine members a special offer on the Nov. 16 E2Tech Expo 2017 registration fee! The third annual E2Tech Expo will be the premier business event of the year, focusing on innovation and business development. Investors and funders, policymakers, energy and environmental companies, and other innovation “enablers” are on tap to advise attendees on strategies for Maine’s economic and business development future.
Visit with leading companies and organizations in the sector and learn more about innovative companies and technologies while exploring the Expo Exhibit tables. Don’t miss out on valuable networking and the chance to learn more about the critical resources available to the energy, environmental, and cleantech sectors, as well as companies of all sizes, products, and services!
There are also discounted tables available for Biobased Maine members; contact Jeff at E2Tech for more information.