NEW RFP Inventory of Industrial Infrastructure DUE April 14
Biobased Maine is seeking competitive bids for an inventory to identify and characterize the assets of Maine’s industrial sites that could be the future location of biobased manufacturing projects, including co-locating new technologies at active industrial sites with excess capacity or new commercial-scale development at shuttered mills, Brownfield, or promising industrial Greenfield locations. Our goal is to leverage this data to attract significant investment in biobased manufacturing in Maine. Biobased manufacturing has the potential to diversify Maine’s forest-based economy, manufacture high-value, sustainable products from wood that currently lacks markets, and create new jobs in distressed rural communities. In order to be competitive within the global biobased technology industry, a fresh inventory of industrial sites available for co-location or new development is needed.
The RFP can be accessed here: RFP for IndustrialSiteInventoryFINAL